Official Website.



          Independent Party of DelawareOfficial Website

    (302) 988-4050


People Making Policy




Media Release  4/30/2020

The Independent Party of Delaware has submitted a proposed amendment to the state constitution to the Delaware General Assembly. Colloquially known as the “COVID-19” Amendment.

The measure would limit the duration of states of emergency, unilaterally declared by the Governor to two periods of thirty days and would thereafter require consent of the General Assembly for additional extensions of thirty

days within the current statutory framework.

“The People of Delaware need a constructive balance between executive emergency power and constitutional freedom and liberty”,

said IPoD Secretary, Wolfgang von Baumgart. “The proposed amendment is designed to preserve both freedom and security – not an

easy feat in our current bipolar political environment”, he elaborated.

The proposed amendment is posted on www.

Wolfgang von Baumgart

Secretary General, IPoD

(302) 354-6452




Independent Party of Delaware


IPoD ELECTS New Officers

JANUARY 17, 2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                (GEORGETOWN, DE)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             


     The Independent Party of Delaware (IPoD) held its organization meeting on January 16, 2021 and elected officers as follows:

     State Chairman: Mark Turley 6-0

     State Secretary: Catherine Stonestreet-Purcell 6-0

     Secretary General: Wolfgang von Baumgart 6-0

     Vice Chairman: Phil Dyer 6-0

     Creative Director: Kathy DeMatteis 6-0

Special Operations Director: Don Ayotte 6-0

     The IPoD reaffirms its commitment to government reform and individual constitutional liberty in the greater public interest through a more realistic, practical and constructive post-political approach to problem-solving in the face of increasing national tensions, and partisan division.

     Mark Turley, State Chairman

     (623) 565-3356 text/phone


     Wolfgang von Baumgart,
     Secretary General
     (302) 354-6452

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                IPoD Nominates Former Delaware State Senator, Michael S. Katz MD, MBA for US Senator

     For Immediate Release (July 5, 2023)                                                                                                                                                                                                                   (DOVER, DE)

     The Independent Party of Delaware has nominated Michael S. Katz, MD MBA as its 2024 candidate for United States Senator at its 2023 nominating convention, held on Saturday July 1, 2023 in Dover, DE and he has officially filed with the Delaware Department of Elections on July 3.

      “Mike is not a career politician. He has not pledged his allegiance to special interests, lobbyists and political organizations. He is a true independent, a critical thinker and problem solver who is committed to representing all Delawareans as a public servant and leader”, said IPoD State Chairman, Don Ayotte.
“We are very pleased to have Dr. Katz on our ticket, as he offers a clear and constructive alternative to Delaware’s two-party machine-controlled politics and government,” said IPoD

Secretary-General, Wolf von Baumgart. “Our common problems demand creative and cooperative solutions instead of finger pointing.

     The Independent Party of Delaware’s candidate selection process is merit-based and seeks to identify and recruit candidates who are best qualified to serve Delawareans based on their skill sets, experiences, qualifications, and commitment to public service.

     In his address at the Independent Party 2023 Convention, Dr. Katz stated, “America’s government dysfunction and divisiveness is due to the two major political parties who have the core value of winning. As an independent, I have not pledged my allegiance to any political party, but to the core values of the U.S. Constitution, Liberty, Justice, and Equality”.

     Dr. Katz went on to say, “Business and politics as usual is no longer an option. I have pledged to abide by a Code of Conduct that recognizes our common humanity, to be respectful of all Americans, to work for and seek unity among all Americans, and to work together with all Americans to solve our problems to improve our society. These are the steadfast foundational principles on which we serve our communities and how we treat our fellow citizens.”

     The Dr. Mike Katz for United State Senator Campaign has indicated that it will release a statement and details concerning Dr. Katz’s campaign and platform in the next several weeks.


     For further information, contact: The Dr. Mike Katz for United States Senator

     Wolf. von Baumgart,

     Secretary General 

     (302) 354-6452



​Independent Party of Delaware

Media Release   5/5/2020

The Independent Party of Delaware (IPoD) will hold a special 2020 Gubernatorial Nominating Convention on Friday, May 15 10:00 am EDT at 20501 Gravel Hill RD, Georgetown, DE 19947.

Nomination of a prospective Lt. Gubernatorial candidate is also possible.

This is the first of a series of office-specific nominations to be held in light of Governor John Carney’s ban on gatherings in excess of ten persons.

The IPoD nominating convention process will remain open until the statutory deadline of August 1, 2020.

Preregistration is required. Seating is limited due to COVID-19 State of Emergency.

Contact: State Chairman Don Ayotte @ (302) 988-4050.

Wolfgang von Baumgart,
Secretary General, IPoD
(302) 354-6452


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